Unique testing that may start a revolution in the global fire-fighting technologies. We created a technology of almost immediate delivery of foam to the fire line but not from only from top like all other standard methods, but from below also. As you know, in 95% of cases a fire in an oil tank begins with an explosion, destruction of the tank roof and walls. All fire-fighting pipelines get destructed together with the roof and the walls, and it becomes impossible to extinguish the fire. We can extinguish fire from above and below at the same time, we can use any pipe available in the tank even if it is the pipe for oil drainage. It means that we created a technology of 100% fire extinguishing under any conditions, even in case of an explosion and almost absolute destruction of an oil tank.
Max. power 9500 GPM.
Not need: 1. Moving parts. 2. Pumps. 3. Valves. 4. Nozzles. 5. Foam chambers. 6. External pipeline. 7. External power.
There are not: 1. Oxygen. 2. Air.